A special thanks to neighbor Ann Rowlett for leading this initiative! Ann not only realized the need for communicating with restaurants around their use of single use packaging but she took it upon herself to research the topic and even visit with restaurant owners to get their take.

Almost all of us take advantage of take-out food from time to time. This seems to have been especially true during the pandemic. When you carry-out, you've no doubt noticed the wide variety of packaging used by restaurants, some more environmentally friendly than others.

We think it's helpful for restaurateurs to hear from their patrons about what's important to them when it comes to sustainable packaging.

That's why we've created two letters for you to use to communicate with your favorite take-out establishments: one to thank a restaurant for their efforts in using environmentally friendly packaging; and one encouraging a restaurant that uses plastic and styrofoam to consider more environmentally favorable alternatives.

Please feel free to adapt these letters (they're created in Word) to suit you, print them out and share them. You may also want to use one of these templates to create an email you can send to the restaurant's manager.

Dear Restaurant Owner - Thanks for Green Efforts.docx

Dear Restaurant Owner - Please Go Green.docx

August 2022 Update: Beyond Plastics has created a guide titled “Hold the Plastic, Please” - a guide that provides all the information restaurants need to reduce plastic. Please share it with your favorite restaurant!

Hold The Plastic, Please - A Restaurant's Guide To Reducing Plastic - Beyond Plastics - Working To End Single-Use Plastic Pollution

Example Letter Sent to Taza May 2022:

Our family loves your food!  When my kids are in Cleveland, Taza or Aladdins join Mitchell's Ice Cream as the "must visits."

We picked up carryout from Taza on Mothers Day.  We were saddened that your restaurant continues to use plastic packaging for carryout orders. This plastic is not recyclable, doesn’t biodegrade in landfills, and causes harm to our waterways, air, and soil as it breaks down into micro and nano-plastics.

I am writing today to ask you to transition to more environmentally friendly carryout containers.  Aluminum, compostable containers, and paper are all better than plastic and can preserve the quality of most foods that are carried out.

Other environmentally friendly steps I hope you’ll consider taking:

*Thank you for creating delicious food and for considering the adoption of earth-friendly practices.  The Plastic Pollution Coalition has a great resource - Plastic-Free Eateries - that provides background, guidance and purchasing information on making the shift to plastic-free.  Here is a link to it: https://www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org/plastic-free-eateries*


Yelp Adds "Plastic-Free Packaging" - Plastic Pollution Coalition

Some Suggestions for Saying No to Single Use Plastics:


Is it possible for me to bring my own container?

Could you please skip the single use plastics and condiments?

I'd appreciate you not including condiments or other single use plastics with my order


Thanks anyway! I brought my own utensils / have utensils at home!

I've got "fill-in-the-blank condiment" at home so no need to put any in the bag!

Thanks for offering, but single use plastics are harmful to our planet and I'll pass.

Thanks, but I brought my own bag!

Takeaway food and drink litter dominates ocean plastic, study shows
